
Payment Voucher using OneBook


Go: Voucher > Payment



Following section field needs to be filled up in order to complete a payment voucher. Window includes

Date: Date of Payment Voucher Entry

Amount: Amount of payment (Note that Multi currency can be provided based on the requirement)

Payment Method: Choosing the method whether cash, cheque or draft

Party: Choosing the party for payment whether vendor or specific party for payment

Account Information: explains the accounting head for transaction (Debit/credit account)


(Make a Note even from the payment voucher you can also create voucher against multiple purchase order from the single voucher option as well as you can also set the paid amount or even see the due amount by assigning the payment amount which you are paying against the voucher. The green box labelled in the above screenshot shows the purchase orders list which you can select after selecting the specific vendor. It will automatically show the PO done against him which you can choose for while creating payment voucher and if not created against purchase order, it will be shown as other on the Purchase order information box)


After impact of creating a payment voucher:

As the information fields are completed, clicking on the save button will generate a payment voucher as PV-xxx and it will be showin and automatically take you to the payment list with a PV-xxx generated. The screenshot is given below:



You can see the payment voucher is in pending state, select the PV-xx and then click on accept to complete the action of accounting and completing the voucher.

See below screenshot, that will appear after completing the action