
Delivery Management


After creating any purchase order or sale order and completing the action of accepting the order, next thing comes is the delivery of product to and from the inventory.

Delivery plays a very important role to manage the inventory. Similar like practical experience when you purchase goods from vendor as well as selling to customer, it puts impact on inventory because you are delivering the goods to customer after selling from your stock as well you are taking the delivery of goods which you purchased from the vendor and getting inside your inventory/stock.

Onebook application also does the same thing in the system


Delivering the goods in sale order:

After generating and completing the sale order, then in the sale order list selecting the specific sale order where you want to complete the delivery process. Screenshot is given below for understanding



Select the delivery tab marked as blue and then click on add Delivery, You can also do add delivery return

After clicking on the add delivery then a window will appear of delivery as shown below:


You can see the full information details of the product quantity and amount to be delivered. Click on save to finish the delivery adding


After finishing the addition, click on the delivery tab of the sale order to check out the status of the delivery

Notice that after adding the delivery and checking out in the delivery tab, you can see the delivery is in pending state which means still it has not put any impact on the inventory. So selecting that delivery and click on the accept button marked as blue to complete the action of Sale delivery and put impact on inventory.



Receiving the delivery from Purchase order:

Process is similar to sale order just for the purchase order selecting the specific order for which you want to take deliver. clicking on add delivery and then the same way of delivery generation and accepting to put impact on inventory.

First go to a the specific purchase order which you want to receive delivery of from the purchase order list.

Invoice---> Purchase Invoice List:


After clicking on the add delivery then a window will appear of delivery section with all information and whether you want to take the full quantity amount delivery or partial delivery etc.


Complete the add delivery by clicking on the save button and go to the delivery tab of that purchase order to see the pending state of delivery similar like Sale order



As you can see the delivery is in pending state. select the PD-xxx and then click on accept to finish the delivery so that you can receive the goods into your inventory