Onebook application is giving you the opportunity to go for a free trial & registration so that you can get familiar and give a try to the smart interface of the application. In order to sign up or go for free trial visit our website.
Step 1: Visit the website first:
After visiting the website on the top right corner you can see there is a button " TRY IT FREE" labelled as blue in the above screenshot. Click on that
Step 2:
A registration window will appear. Fill out the all the necessary information in the fields provided and then click on submit to proceed further into next step marked as green box in the below screenshot. ( Note that you need to accept the Terms and policy before clickig on the submit)
Step 3: Verify Client- After completing the registration window then the next step is to provide the verification code which will be provided to your email address provided in the window
Check out the verification code in your email and put the code on the verification code box and click on submit for the next step which will show verification successful as shown below:
Step 4: Providing the subdomain- Choose and provide your own subdomain with the and then click on the deploy button to generate or deploy a demo copy
Step 5: Deployment process ( Automatically)
After providing the domain, Onebook will automatically start to deploy the demo copy and prepare your software. After successful deployment an email will be sent to you with all the credentials for accessing the demo copy which you have registered for.
Step 6: Check out the email for the onebook deployment and credentials provided
As you can see you will be provided with a user name and password and host has been provided in the above screenshot as you can see in the email. click on that host to visit your demo copy
Step 7: Login to the Deployed Copy (Visiting the URL (Host) provided for you in the email for your demo copy)
Fill out the user name and password as given in the email and then click on login