Go: Voucher > Journal Voucher
The above screenshot shows the window of New Journal Voucher
Date: Date of Entry
Description Field: If there is any description provided
Ref Voucher: You can tag a specific voucher for adjusting the entries
Transactions: This part shows the section of assigning the accounts name, type of party, name of the party, Debit and credit amount. (Make sure that the debit and credit must be equal in both sides)
After completing the informations in the field, clicking on save will create a journal voucher entry in the application name as JV-xxxx. This will appear automatically to the voucher list once you generated the journal voucher. The screenshot is given below:
Notice that although a Journal Voucher (JV-xxx) has generated in the application, it has not put any impact yet in the accounting of the application since the Journal voucher is in a pending state shown as " ! "
So in order to complete the voucher with proper accounting transaction select the JV and then click on the accept to finish and hit on the accounting heads. The screenshot is given below of the appearance of completing the voucher action
As you can see after accepting the JV it will show as the action completed marked as tick sign.